– “Morality is something we all claim to know, but never openly discuss.”

(Click for TIM’S INTERVIEW ON WJTN-AM 1240 WITH JOHN SIGGINS – 20:21 in length)

(Click for TIM’S INTERVIEW ON KIT-AM 1280 WITH LANCE TORMEY & DAVE ETTLE – 9:23 in length)

PALM HARBOR, FL, USA (April 11, 2013) – MBA Press is pleased to announce the publication of a new eBook and Audio/Book from author Tim Bryce entitled, “Stand Up for MORALITY,” (ISBN: 0-9786182-8-9).

Gallup’s annual poll regarding the country’s “Values and Beliefs” paints a dismal picture of the direction of morality with 73% of the respondents believing it is “Getting worse.” Blame can be traced to such things as apathy, greed, a permissive society, parenting, and the entertainment industry. Whatever the cause, people are wondering what can be done about this deteriorating condition. Author Tim Bryce has prepared an analysis of morality in his new eBook, reviews its properties, and makes some recommendations to improve our condition. According to Bryce, “Morality is something we all claim to know, but never openly discuss. Consequently, it is being applied inconsistently across the country. By getting people to openly discuss morality, I am hoping to raise the consciousness of people and apply it on a more uniform basis.”

The book is universally applicable for businesses, schools, and any other institution, including nonprofits.
Contents include:

What is the state of Morality? Who has an interest in it? Why it is necessary to teach it in a uniform manner? What is it? Definitions. How does it affect us? How is Morality taught/learned. Institutions affecting Morality. Some basic Moral Rules. Problems (exercise) Concluding Observations.

Where do we go from here?

According to Bryce, “This is a difficult subject as people feel uncomfortable with it. They think their morality is fine, but everyone else is wrong. The reality is we all need to re-examine our sense of morality, be it at work, home, the classroom, our neighborhood, or wherever people assemble and try to live/work together. I would add this is not about religion. Religion is your business, not mine. I make comments in the eBook pertaining to organized religion as an institution but my intention is to comment on the need for promoting fundamental morality in our society. By understanding the properties of morality, it will enable us to support and perpetuate it.”

“It is well written and the subject matter is timely and well presented. A subject the public needs to think more about.”
– Bill Petrey – Dayville, Connecticut

“Wow Tim this is truly fantastic. It really is.”
– Carol Van Drie – Lansing, Michigan

“It occurs to me that this should be required for discussion in schools as well as business.”
– Jan Smith – Skidway Lake, Michigan

Mr. Bryce is a writer and management consultant who is located in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. He has penned hundreds of articles and several books on a variety of subjects including management, politics and our changing world. Among his books is “MORPHING INTO THE REAL WORLD” – a Handbook for Entering the Work Force. His main blog, “The Bryce is Right!”, can be found on the Internet at

Mr. Bryce has also developed a companion seminar of the same name to discuss morality and allow attendees to work through exercises. He is also available as a guest speaker on the subject.
He can be contacted through his web site at:

“Stand Up for MORALITY” is sold as an eBook, in both PDF and Kindle formats, and as an MP3 AudioBook..

The Kindle format is available through Amazon for $9.99 (U.S.) at:

The PDF version is available directly from MBA Press for $10.00 (U.S.) at:

It is also available as an AUDIO BOOK (MP3), 47:26 in length, suitable for use on computers and smart phones; $10, see MBA Press.
ISBN: 0-9786182-8-9

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MBA PRESS a division of M&JB Investment Company, Inc. P.O. Box 675 Palm Harbor, FL 34682-0675 Tel: 727/786-4567

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Tim Bryce is a writer and the Managing Director of M&JB Investment Company (M&JB) of Palm Harbor, Florida and has over 30 years of experience in the management consulting field. He can be reached at [email protected]

For Tim’s columns, see:

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Copyright © 2013 by Tim Bryce. All rights reserved.

NEXT UP:  STAYING HEALTHY ON THE JOB – The realities of playing sports as we grow older.

Listen to Tim on WJTN-AM (News Talk 1240) “The Town Square” with host John Siggins (Mon, Wed, Fri, 12:30-3:00pm Eastern), KGAB-AM 650 “The Morning Zone” with host Dave Chaffin (weekdays, 6:00-10:00am Mountain), and KIT-AM 1280 in Yakima, Washington “The Morning News with Dave and Lance” with hosts Dave Ettl & Lance Tormey (weekdays. 6:00-9:00am Pacific). Or tune-in to Tim’s channel on YouTube.

Also look for Tim’s postings in the Palm Harbor Patch, The Gentlemen’s Association, and throughout the Internet.

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