I recently had a strange experience in a restaurant over lunch. While sitting at the counter, an older gentleman came in and sat down next to me. On the surface he looked pleasant, but suddenly I was overcome by the strong pungent scent of his body odor, something that smelled like a cross between an open sewer and a dead carcass on the Serengeti (I wondered if vultures were circling overhead). His hair was slicked back and he was shaved, but I don’t think he had taken a bath in quite some time. I used to know guys who believed a little body odor was a “manly” thing that attracted the ladies. However, the only thing this guy at the counter attracted was flies. The smell was so overpowering that I had to move to a table on the other side of the restaurant, much to the bewilderment of the man I was escaping from.

I don’t understand why people deliberately avoid good personal hygiene. I know it seems rather insignificant, but it sure can be irritating to the other people you come in contact with. This is true for both men and women, but I think it is predominantly men who are the greatest offenders of personal hygiene, and not just older men, but younger men as well. I certainly hope this isn’t a new fashion trend (I must have missed the memo). Actually there is no real excuse for poor personal hygiene. The last time I looked, a bar of soap was still pretty cheap.

I never was a fan of unkempt hair either, particularly in the workplace, but that doesn’t bother me half as much as a guy who has long hair growing out of his ears or nose. Actually, I think nose/ear hair is one of the Lord’s favorite practical jokes he ever pulled on us.

Fingernails is another one to watch for. I don’t know what is more gross, excessively long nails, ragged nails from biting them, or just plain dirty. Then of course there are the people who constantly pick at themselves, be it their nose, ears, eyebrows, or seat, not to mention those who belch and fart. If you’ve got to do it, please do it in private. If I wanted a show like that, I would go down to see the monkeys at the zoo.

Personal hygiene is an important part of our appearance which defines who we are to the people around us. Actually, it’s a sign of respect for others and represents a form of discipline which some people abhor. There are those people who are very cognizant of their image and cultivate it accordingly, but there are also a lot of people who unknowingly operate in the dark. Then there are those who deliberately ignore the status quo in order to attract attention to themselves. You have to feel sorry for this last group as they use personal hygiene to differentiate themselves as opposed to their intellect.

Just as a tip though, if you start to notice people starting to avoid you or moving away from you to the other end of the restaurant, perhaps it is time to invest in a bar of soap.

Such is my Pet Peeve of the Week.

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Tim Bryce is the Managing Director of M. Bryce & Associates (MBA) of Palm Harbor, Florida and has over 30 years of experience in the field. He can be reached at [email protected]

For a listing of Tim’s Pet Peeves, click HERE.

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