Uncommon Sense


For Immediate Release


Management, Change, Technology, Politics, and the American Scene

PALM HARBOR, FL, USA (NOV 18, 2014) – While some authors are satisfied producing just one book, author Tim Bryce has produced four. Bryce is an essayist who has written on such things as business management, technology, politics, our changing world, and profiles of the American character. Urged on by his readers and listeners on the radio, he has produced a series of books based on his columns. Entitled, “Bryce’s Uncommon Sense Series,” it includes:

“ESSAYS ON THE AMERICAN SCENE” – Humorous descriptions of the human condition in America. ISBN-13: 978-1503115576 ISBN-10: 1503115577

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“ESSAYS ON OUR EVER CHANGING WORLD” – Describes cultural changes and why they occur, particularly due to technology. ISBN-13: 978-1503102187 ISBN-10: 1503102181

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“THE FACTS OF LIFE REGARDING MANAGEMENT” – Lessons well suited for those aspiring to become effective managers, as well as for those who require a refresher or change of focus. ISBN-13: 978-1503127043 ISBN-10: 1503127044

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“LIBERAL KRYPTONITE” – Tim’s political writings warning America about the liberal agenda. ISBN-13: 978-1503126893 ISBN-10: 1503126897

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All books are available in paper and eBook format (Kindle) and are distributed by Create Space and Amazon.

Tim’s work varies from being educational one moment, to controversial or humorous the next. He describes it as “Software for the finest computer – the Mind” as he is asking his readers to think about things they either take for granted or simply overlook. From his perspective, it is just “common sense,” to others it is cause to stop and think. According to Bryce, “If the mind really is the finest computer, then there are a lot of people out there who need to be rebooted,” and this is where his writings come to play.

Bryce argues, “Management is not really complicated, but we now have a lot of bean counters who are overlooking the most important variable in the equation, namely ‘people’. Change is all around us, but as the use of technology increases, social skills decrease. As for the American Scene, I compare and contrast the human character of yesterday to today and simply ask, Why?”

While Bryce has a number of books to his credit, “Liberal Kryptonite,” is his first specifically addressing politics. This will be controversial in that he pins the country’s decline on the liberal agenda. It it, he challenges the mores of today and how it is influenced by the media. Several sections are included on history as well.

What they think of Tim’s work:

“Our listeners depend on Tim’s wit and wisdom and he always delivers from beautiful Palm Harbor Florida. Talk Radio listeners have many choices, none better than Tim Bryce.” -John Siggins, WJTN-AM

Jamestown, NY

“Tim Bryce – rants on – and I often recoil from the tone but often there’s some uncluttered truth being written out loud.” – Sarah Farrugia

London, UK

“He writes in a way that just inspires. He slowly takes things apart and puts them back together right before your eyes.” – Wayne Brown

Arlington, TX

For more info on the four book series, including how to order, see:

Published by:

MBA PRESS (a division of M&JB Investment Company) P.O. Box 675 Palm Harbor, FL 34682-0675 United States of America Tel: 727-786-4567



Mr. Bryce is available for radio interviews and speaking engagements.

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