Shortly after the Obama Health Insurance Bill (aka “Obamacare”) passed the Congress last March 21st, Democratic spin doctors crowed over its passage and claimed it would be an asset to incumbent Democrats in their bid for reelection in November. This, of course, never happened. Here we are just three weeks away from the mid-term elections on November 2nd and I have yet to hear anyone triumphantly gloat over the passage of Obamacare. Maybe this is because nobody has ever taken the time to read the massive document cover-to-cover, prior to voting for its passage (or afterwards for that matter). All of the signers of the bill (see list below) have basically kept quiet and hoped nobody would notice them, thereby allowing them to quietly slip back into office. The bill is being treated like the plague, Democratic politicians running for re-election refuse to make the slightest mention of it on their web sites.

Obamacare is so politically charged right now that even the state sponsored litigation against it attracts little press as it awaits the outcome of the November elections. Nonetheless, the American public remains overwhelmingly against the bill.

I for one have not forgotten about it. So much so, I wish to remind voters of the people who supported it. Below is the list of the 219 Congressmen who voted for its passage. Is your Congressman represented?

CONGRESSMEN WHO VOTED “YES” TO H.R. BILL 3590Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (H.R. 3590) Bill

(passed 219 to 212)

Names Alphabetically (State District)

I haven’t forgotten. Will you?

Vote November 2nd.

Keep the Faith!

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Tim Bryce is a writer and the Managing Director of M. Bryce & Associates (MBA) of Palm Harbor, Florida and has over 30 years of experience in the management consulting field. He can be reached at [email protected]

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Copyright © 2010 by Tim Bryce. All rights reserved.

Rick Larsen (WA 2)
Robert E. Andrews (NJ 1) John B. Larson (CT 1)
Joe Baca (CA 43) Barbara Lee (CA 9)
Brian Baird (WA 3) Sander M. Levin (MI 12)
Tammy Baldwin (WI 2) John Lewis (GA 5)
Melissa Bean (IL 8) Dave Loebsack (IA 2)
Xavier Becerra (CA 31) Zoe Lofgren (CA 16)
Shelley Berkley (NV 1) Nita M. Lowey (NY 18)
Howard L. Berman (CA 28) Ben Ray Lujan (NM 3)
Timothy H. Bishop (NY 1) Dan Maffei (NY 25)
Sanford D. Bishop Jr. (GA 2) Carolyn B. Maloney (NY 14)
Earl Blumenauer (OR 3) Betsy Markey (CO 4)
John Boccieri (OH 16) Edward J. Markey (MA 7)
Leonard L. Boswell (IA 3) Doris Matsui (CA 5)
Allen Boyd (FL 2) Carolyn McCarthy (NY 4)
Robert A. Brady (PA 1) Betty McCollum (MN 4)
Bruce Braley (IA 1) Jim McDermott (WA 7)
Corrine Brown (FL 3) Jim McGovern (MA 3)
G. K. Butterfield (NC 1) Jerry McNerney (CA 11)
Lois Capps (CA 23) Kendrick B. Meek (FL 17)
Michael E. Capuano (MA 8) Gregory W. Meeks (NY 6)
Dennis Cardoza (CA 18) Michael H. Michaud (ME 2)
Russ Carnahan (MO 3) George Miller (CA 7)
Christopher Carney (PA 10) Brad Miller (NC 13)
André Carson (IN 7) Harry E. Mitchell (AZ 5)
Kathy Castor (FL 11) Alan B. Mollohan (WV 1)
Judy Chu (CA 32) Dennis Moore (KS 3)
Yvette Clarke (NY 11) Gwen Moore (WI 4)
William Lacy Clay (MO 1) James P. Moran (VA 8)
Emanuel Cleaver II (MO 5) Scott Murphy (NY 20)
James E. Clyburn (SC 6) Christopher S. Murphy (CT 5)
Steve Cohen (TN 9) Patrick J. Murphy (PA 8)
Gerald E. Connolly (VA 11) Jerrold Nadler (NY 8)
John Conyers Jr. (MI 14) Grace F. Napolitano (CA 38)
Jim Cooper (TN 5) Richard E. Neal (MA 2)
Jim Costa (CA 20) James L. Oberstar (MN 8)
Jerry F. Costello (IL 12) David R. Obey (WI 7)
Joe Courtney (CT 2) John W. Olver (MA 1)
Joseph Crowley (NY 7) Solomon P. Ortiz (TX 27)
Henry Cuellar (TX 28) Bill Owens (NY 23)
Elijah E. Cummings (MD 7) Frank Pallone (NJ 6)
Kathy Dahlkemper (PA 3) Bill Pascrell Jr. (NJ 8)
Susan A. Davis (CA 53) Ed Pastor (AZ 4)
Danny K. Davis (IL 7) Donald M. Payne (NJ 10)
Peter A. DeFazio (OR 4) Nancy Pelosi (CA 8)
Diana DeGette (CO 1) Ed Perlmutter (CO 7)
Bill Delahunt (MA 10) Tom Perriello (VA 5)
Rosa DeLauro (CT 3) Gary Peters (MI 9)
Norman D. Dicks (WA 6) Chellie Pingree (ME 1)
John D. Dingell (MI 15) Jared Polis (CO 2)
Lloyd Doggett (TX 25) Earl Pomeroy (ND At Large)
Joe Donnelly (IN 2) David E. Price (NC 4)
Mike Doyle (PA 14) Mike Quigley (IL 5)
Steve Driehaus (OH 1) Nick J. Rahall II (WV 3)
Donna Edwards (MD 4) Charles B. Rangel (NY 15)
Keith Ellison (MN 5) Silvestre Reyes (TX 16)
Brad Ellsworth (IN 8) Laura Richardson (CA 37)
Eliot L. Engel (NY 17) Ciro D. Rodriguez (TX 23)
Anna G. Eshoo (CA 14) Steven R. Rothman (NJ 9)
Bob Etheridge (NC 2) Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA 34)
Sam Farr (CA 17) C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (MD 2)
Chaka Fattah (PA 2) Bobby L. Rush (IL 1)
Bob Filner (CA 51) Tim Ryan (OH 17)
Bill Foster (IL 14) John Salazar (CO 3)
Barney Frank (MA 4) Linda T. Sanchez (CA 39)
Marcia L. Fudge (OH 11) Loretta Sanchez (CA 47)
John Garamendi (CA 10) John Sarbanes (MD 3)
Gabrielle Giffords (AZ 8) Jan Schakowsky (IL 9)
Charlie Gonzalez (TX 20) Mark Schauer (MI 7)
Bart Gordon (TN 6) Adam B. Schiff (CA 29)
Alan Grayson (FL 8) Kurt Schrader (OR 5)
Al Green (TX 9) Allyson Y. Schwartz (PA 13)
Gene Green (TX 29) David Scott (GA 13)
Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ 7) Robert C. Scott (VA 3)
Luis V. Gutierrez (IL 4) José E. Serrano (NY 16)
John Hall (NY 19) Joe Sestak (PA 7)
Debbie Halvorson (IL 11) Carol Shea-Porter (NH 1)
Phil Hare (IL 17) Brad Sherman (CA 27)
Jane Harman (CA 36) Albio Sires (NJ 13)
Alcee L. Hastings (FL 23) Louise M. Slaughter (NY 28)
Martin Heinrich (NM 1) Adam Smith (WA 9)
Brian Higgins (NY 27) Vic Snyder (AR 2)
Baron P. Hill (IN 9) Jackie Speier (CA 12)
Jim Himes (CT 4) John M. Spratt Jr. (SC 5)
Maurice D. Hinchey (NY 22) Pete Stark (CA 13)
Rubén Hinojosa (TX 15) Bart Stupak (MI 1)
Mazie K. Hirono (HI 2) Betty Sutton (OH 13)
Paul W. Hodes (NH 2) Mike Thompson (CA 1)
Rush Holt (NJ 12) Bennie Thompson (MS 2)
Michael M. Honda (CA 15) John F. Tierney (MA 6)
Steny H. Hoyer (MD 5) Dina Titus (NV 3)
Jay Inslee (WA 1) Paul Tonko (NY 21)
Steve Israel (NY 2) Edolphus Towns (NY 10)
Jesse L. Jackson Jr. (IL 2) Niki Tsongas (MA 5)
Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX 18) Chris Van Hollen (MD 8)
Hank Johnson (GA 4) Nydia M. Velázquez (NY 12)
Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX 30) Peter J. Visclosky (IN 1)
Steve Kagen (WI 8) Tim Walz (MN 1)
Paul E. Kanjorski (PA 11) Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL 20)
Marcy Kaptur (OH 9) Maxine Waters (CA 35)
Patrick J. Kennedy (RI 1) Diane Watson (CA 33)
Dale E. Kildee (MI 5) Melvin Watt (NC 12)
Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (MI 13) Henry A. Waxman (CA 30)
Mary Jo Kilroy (OH 15) Anthony Weiner (NY 9)
Ron Kind (WI 3) Peter Welch (VT)
Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ 1) Charlie Wilson (OH 6)
Ron Klein (FL 22) Lynn Woolsey (CA 6)
Suzanne Kosmas (FL 24) David Wu (OR 1)
Dennis J. Kucinich (OH 10) John Yarmuth (KY 3)
Jim Langevin (RI 2)  

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